Really Need to Call a Pest Control Company for Bed Bugs?

If you find bedbugs it’s not necessary to contact an authorized pest control service However, you’d be foolish to not, according to the message that comes from an alert released from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in August. “Using the incorrect pesticide or applying the wrong one to treat bedbugs can cause yourself, the family as well as your pets,” the EPA said in a consumer advisory cited from The Hill Healthwatch online. “It could also render your home uninhabitable to live in, and could not resolve the bedbug issue.”


Beware of reports of dangers of pesticide use and the extreme measures taken by certain homeowners and apartment dwellers using DIY methods to get rid of bed bugs The U.S. EPA and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued an joint statement in July, warning people not to use outdoor pesticides in their homes to try to rid their homes of bed bugs. Pest control reports from licensed experts in the field and news media about people spraying their bed, in their pajamas and even bathing children in insecticides from the garden is causing concern with authorities and medical professionals, public health guardians and members of the National Pest Management Association (NPMA). The use of chemicals that are harsh that are not authorized from the EPA for use in homes could cause intense irritations that resemble burns on the eyes and skin and may cause harm of the central nervous system and even expose the user to carcinogens.

There have been many news reports about house and apartment fires that were started by desperate people who used extremely flammable liquids to eliminate bedbugs. In January the month of January, a Cincinnati, Ohio man who was cleaning his furniture using a mixture of alcohol and insecticide started the fire in his home as his cigarette ignited chemicals in the mixture. In July 2008 the Eatontown, New Jersey man destroyed his home while trying to control pests at home. A pilot light set off the chemical spray and fumes , causing an explosion that destroyed the windows on the front of the building and led to an explosion that destroyed the home and caused significant damages to nearby units.

“Pest control firms have reported numerous ineffective and potentially hazardous solutions used by self-helpers like bleach, ammonia smoke, fire and kerosene, waspspray and bug bombs and also concentrated pesticides purchased through the internet.” University of Kentucky entomologist and expert on bedbugs in the United States, Michael Potter, writes in Bugs Without Borders, Defining the Global Bed Bug Resurgence, a global survey of pest control companies that was recently conducted by University of Kentucky in conjunction with the NPMA. “As bedbugs sufferers get ever more desperate, irreparable injuries could result from these applications particularly among those who do not engage a professional to help,” he warns.

Bedbugs don’t always respond to treatments at home. The apple seed-sized bugs which feed on blood of humans are difficult to eradicate because of their behavior and biology. In the best case, DIY home treatments can force bedbugs move, spreading the infestation faster. The insects are robust, durable carapace that cannot be easily broken. To killthem, pest control products have to be in direct physical touch with insects Their eggs are not affected with products that are currently approved by EPA for use in residential areas. If they’re not eating bugs, they hide in unreachable places that are hidden in tiny crevices in walls and behind baseboards, beneath the floorboards, and within electronic devices. Bedbugs and their eggs can be easily carried on clothes and other items and allow infestations to rapidly grow throughout a home or apartment. The combination of behaviour and biology is nearly impossible to eliminate a complete bedbug problem with just one pest control solution. Three pest control services that are professional separated by two weeks is usually needed for successful elimination of an infestation of bedbugs and to ensure that all insects as well as eggs that have recently hatched are killed.