Commercial Cleaning Vs Residential Cleaning Techniques

Commercial cleaning businesses are generally contracted out to perform cleaning tasks in a wide range of commercial premises, from busy offices and warehouses to busy public transport terminals. A commercial cleaning business may take on a wide range of tasks including cleaning and general maintenance of buildings and warehouses, cleaning and refurbishment of commercial properties, cleaning out waiting areas and ensuring that there is a proper supply of clean drinking water, all the whilst ensuring the safety of those who use the building. Commercial cleaning services can be provided by specialist companies, who can offer a comprehensive package to tackle a wide range of commercial cleaning issues.

Commercial cleaners should ensure that they have the correct training to carry out all the tasks that they are required to complete. This will ensure that they know exactly what to do, when to do it and how to do it safely. For example, it would be very dangerous to have a worker carrying out work on a ventilation system or power supply unit when there were loose bolts or connections to be fixed. Likewise, a service packer who has not completed their required tasks could cause damage to property or injury to people. All commercial cleaning companies should make sure that they abide by health and safety legislation, which requires workplaces to be well designed to avoid any risks to staff or clients, as well as providing a safe working environment.

commercial cleaning birmingham

Domestic cleaning is much less demanding than commercial cleaning, although domestic cleaners also need to be aware of safety issues. Many homeowners are happy to have weekly maids come to tidy their house as part of the home improvement deals they are getting. However, domestic cleaners are usually only able to remove small grime or dirt, such as that which may accumulate in washers, dishwashers or under carpeting. It may be more suitable for homeowners to hire domestic cleaning companies to complete larger cleaning tasks such as cleaning kitchens, bathrooms or terraces.